Saturday 13 February 2016

England, the land of the English, betrayed by Labour, Liberal and Conservative politicians, is doomed!

It took only 31 years (1914 to 1945) for the inept and incompetent British political establishment to cause the fall of the British Empire.  According to this article "Unmaking England.  Will immigration demolish in decades a nation built over centuries?" by Benjamin Schwartz in The American Conservative, they appear to have made an even quicker job, in the 19 years since 1997, of ruining the nature of England. 

However, whereas the end of the British Empire was the result of blunders and short-sighted decisions by political leaders such as Asquith, Lloyd George, Chamberlain and Churchill, the unmaking of England by Blair, Brown, Cameron and Clegg has been determined and deliberate.

The concluding paragraphs of Schwartz's article illustrate what patriotic English politicians and activists are up against.

"In the context of the enlightened cosmopolitan values that hold sway in Britain today, once the majority’s views are thus ruled beyond the pale, liberal democracy permits—in fact demands—that the majority be excluded from political consultation. At the very best, it is safe to say that the confines of acceptable public debate on culturally determined ethnic differences, national identity, and mass immigration are exceedingly narrow. The consensus of the bien pensant can, of course, be just as effective as outright censorship in its stultifying political effect, as Orwell explained:
At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was ‘not done’ to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.
In the case of the political discussion surrounding the impact and ramifications of mass immigration, the result, whether one applauds or bemoans the situation, has been to exclude the majority sensibility from anything resembling full and free public expression and to deny the majority’s concerns and preferences anything resembling their full political weight.
The impotent seething abundantly in evidence among Old Britain is rooted in their disfranchisement, in the disdain with which their political and cultural leaders have forsaken them, and in their realization that those leaders, ensorcelled by fatuous slogans and intellectual fashion, in pursuit of vacuous and untested ideas, have irretrievably transformed an ancient nation."

I found the article, which I came across on Robin Tilbrook's (Chairman of the English Democrats) blog, made depressing reading.  England, the land of the English, is doomed if those leading Conservative, Labour and Liberal politicians in the British establishment who are determined to promote mass immigration, multiculturalism and diversity carry on unchecked.

Here is a link to the entire article.

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