Tuesday 17 May 2016

The "Politically Correct" must understand that immigrants to England have to adapt to English customs, traditions and way of life. The immigrants themselves must also understand this.

Clive Lavelle of the English Democrats provided the following eminently sensible and reasonable piece.
The “Politically Correct” must understand that immigrants to England and especially non-Christian immigrants have to adapt to England, her customs, her traditions, and her way of life, and not expect the English to adapt to theirs. The immigrants themselves, must also understand this.

Immigrants to England and especially non-Christian immigrants must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in England.  They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle and not the English who so generously welcomed them.

Immigrants to England and especially non-Christian immigrants must understand that the English are neither racist nor xenophobic. England has accepted many immigrants over the years; often from countries that would not welcome emigrants from England.

In common with other nations, the English are not willing to give up their identity or their culture.

England is a land of welcome but it's not the politicians who welcome foreigners, it’s the English people as a whole.

Immigrants to England and especially non-Christian immigrants must understand that England is a Christian country and must remain free to celebrate Christian festivals such Christmas in all traditional ways, including Christmas trees and nativity scenes.
English is the language of England. Immigrants to England must understand that to converse in public in a language other than English is impolite.

English law is the only law that is to be observed in England. Any non-Christian immigrants who would prefer to follow a different law should re-locate to a country where their preferred law is observed.

Anyone who disagrees with Christianity or secularism and for this reason, does not feel comfortable in England is free to find a country with whose religion they do agree and feel comfortable.

If you are a non-Christian and left your country for England and not for another non-Christian country, it is, no doubt, because you have considered that life is better in England than elsewhere. You are welcome here provided that you are willing to respect the culture, traditions and beliefs of the people with whom you have chosen to make your home

Just after receiving Clive's piece I came across an article in The Telegraph quoting Trevor Phillips, former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, as saying Britain is "sleepwalking to catastrophe" because of a "liberal self delusion" over the impact of mass immigration.  Here is a link to the article:

The Telegraph was reporting on a Civitas article entitled Race and Faith: The Deafening Silence by Trevor Phillips.
Here is a link:

It would appear that English values, integration and unity are being sacrificed at the altar of multiculturalism and diversity.

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