Thursday 11 August 2016

English Democrats Party have new Wiltshire County Chairman.

In the neighbouring county of Wiltshire the English Democrats have announced Robert Baggs as their new county chairman.  This quote from Mr Baggs appeared in the Wiltshire Gazette and Herald on August 4th:

" I have always been proud to be English and am looking forward to working towards furthering the aims of the English Democrats, the only political party that believes in putting England first rather than allowing it to continue to be the poor relation in Britain.
We challenge all other parties to ensure that England and the English are recognised as an independent country in the same way as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The English Democrats believe that the country's heritage is the bedrock of England's future which is currently being eroded and undermined by legislation that prioritises minority groups in Britain."

Well said Mr Baggs!  In England there should be equal rights for all not special rights for some.

Update 16th February 2018
According to a report in yesterdays Swindon Advertiser it seems that Robert Baggs has left the English Democrats Party and is now the secretary of the Swindon branch of Anne Marie Waters' For Britain party.

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