Wednesday 16 March 2016

A view from the English Democrats Party Spring Conference in Huntingdon.

My recent holiday in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, coincided with the English Democrats Party Spring Conference in Huntingdon so I had planned a quick early morning tootle down the A1 to attend.  Unfortunately I had not accounted for early morning fog, hence my journey was delayed and I did not arrive at Huntingdon until midday.

The afternoon started with Winston McKenzie, the English Democrats’ Prospective London Mayoral Candidate, giving a spirited speech which featured London’s problem with housing and his solution of building pre-fabricated homes.  In my view this is a practical and obvious policy; if prefabs were good enough in the 1940s and 1950s they remain so today.  My own family had experience of them and they made fine homes which were cared for, much loved and appreciated.

Toni Bugle, English Democrats Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Prospective Candidate, made a short but powerful speech emphasising that all should be equally subject to the laws of England whatever their colour, racial background or religion.  She rightly maintained that Sharia Law and Sharia compliant finance should have no place in England.  She also pointed out the security and identification concerns caused by the wearing of the Burka and Niqab.  Toni also reminded the Conference that the grooming of white girls by Muslim gangs was not confined to Rotherham but was widespread throughout England.

Graham Moore gave an informative presentation on the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) deal between the US and EU.  He pointed out that the deal would make governments and their taxpayers practically subservient to global corporations.  Graham is also the English Democrats Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner Prospective Candidate.

Steve Morris spoke about the work of the Campaign for an English Parliament and the Workers of England union.  He highlighted the fact that the Labour Party, in general, was hostile to both organisations and did not seem able to offer a coherent approach to anything where England or the English were concerned.  Steve is also the Party’s North West Area Chairman.

The Conference ended with an enthusiastic rendition of "Jerusalem" conducted by Winston McKenzie!

It was an interesting and informative afternoon; regrettably I missed the morning session which included speeches by Steve Uncles, the Party’s Campaign Director, and the Party Chairman Robin Tilbrook.

Robin Tilbrook’s speech can be read on his blog - here is a link.
It includes quotes from the greatest English Parliamentarian of all, Oliver Cromwell, and points out that if the UK leaves the EU it will be the English who will have made the decisive vote.  Whichever way the EU Referendum goes he details the probable political consequences and the resulting opportunities which may arise for the English Democrats.     

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